What are the sources for people to find news on Smartphones?

In the United Kingdom and Finland, almost half of the population said that they first referred to the news websites or applications while using a smartphone for news, according to the Reuters latest Digital News Report.

Whereas almost half of the population of Italy and the U.S stated that earlier for staying updated with news on their smartphones, they used messaging apps and social media.

Some of the countries stats differ from other countries as they have other prominent application or media literacy programs.
"Overall first contact via social media (43%) has fallen six points while the use of aggregators (11%) and alerts/ notifications (10%) has grown. The mix of social networks has also shifted since 2016 with less use of Facebook and more of Twitter and Instagram. The pattern in Finland is similar to the UK, with Italy more like the United States, except that much of the social first use is for messaging apps like WhatsApp (8%).", explained study.
In the United Kingdom, news websites are highly used because of the popularity of the BBC news app. Whereas Finland manages a broad media literacy program, controlled and financed by their government.

Their media literacy program teaches people how to learn and recognize questionable information online, which is most probably will surface on messaging applications and social networking websites.

Finland topped the media literacy ranking recently, organized by the Open Society Foundation.

All-around the research shows that almost two-thirds of surveyed used smartphones weekly for news, and these numbers are doubling up for all countries for the past seven years.

Where do people find news on their smartphone? - chart

Chart courtesy of: Statista.
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