Are Twitter Users more Educated and Well-settled than the General Public?

Pew Research Center recently published a report, according to which, most of the younger, well-educated and high-earning people are Twitter users, as compared to general public. In addition to that, these Twitter users have a better chance at being identified as Democrats, supporting immigration and spotting proofs of inequality in society. These claims might seem ironic to many internet users, considering the abundance of vocal Twitter users who possess all the opposite qualities.

A sample of 2,791 US adult Twitter users with a median age of 40 (less than the national median age of adults by 7 years) was thoroughly studied. As per the results, around 42 percent of these Twitter users hold a Bachelor’s degree, while only 31 percent of the general public can say the same. In addition to that, almost 41 percent of the Twitter users’ income is over $75,000, as compared to 32 percent of the general public. When it comes to gender, ethnicity and race, there isn’t a significant difference between Twitter users and general adult public.

In terms of being vocal, only 10 percent users are responsible for 80 percent of tweets posted by US adults. The average Twitter users create 2 tweets per month, as compared to the active accounts (who can post over 138 tweets every month). Women tend to be more active on the Social Media platform than men and are more likely to tweet about politics on a regular basis.
"The Twitter platform provides multiple ways to post and share content, but the top 10% of tweeters are more likely to report using automated methods that allow others to post tweets on their behalf: 25% of highly prolific tweeters have done so, compared with only 15% of Twitter users in the bottom 90%.", explained Stefan Wojcik and Adam Hughes.
Thus, at a time when Twitter is all over the news for not being able to properly tackle the issues of harassment and abuse on the platform, this report has given all of us a look at the other side of the coin. Such reports can prove to be quite helpful in the current age.

U.S. adult Twitter users are younger and more likely to be Democrats than the general public. Most users rarely tweet, but the most prolific 10% create 80% of tweets from adult U.S. users
Photo: Sara K.

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