From Facebook, Google to Twitter, our online data is at risk and it is time we take serious measures to protect it! (infographic)

Although the rise in internet and technology has made the world a global village. Communication with friends and relatives living far away has become easier than ever. In addition to that, the internet can be used for educational and entertainment purposes. It can also be used for trading and other professional tasks.

However, with this evolution, it seems like the safety and privacy breaches are also increasing and it’s quite concerning.

Now, it’s a well-known fact that it has become impossible for us to live without technology but it shouldn’t be forgotten that our data is equally important. There are countless ways how our online security can be compromised. Phishing attacks and other kinds of spams are at an all-time high and they possess all the necessary tools to steal sensitive data.
Did you know that over 3 billion user accounts (including their emails and passwords) have been hacked this year alone.
However, scams are not the only threat we should be concerned about. Huge tech related companies, whose apps we use on a daily basis are also exploiting our data to grab the attention of advertisers. Yes, the companies being talked about here are Facebook, Whatsapp, Google, Twitter, Instagram, among several others.

What basically happens is that these apps collect our data, along with other information shared/access while using the app. The data is then used within the network, outside the network, sold to advertisers and researched thoroughly.

There’s no way to completely protect our data while keeping ourselves online at the same time. However, some measures can be taken to reduce the amount of information shared. We can start by using all sorts of verifications available, using extra security features, logging out after completing the work. These are just the basic steps.

The infographic below, create by TechJury, will explain these threats and suggest common measures we can take to avoid them.

How Safe Is Your Online Data? [Infographic]

Surprising stats from the above visual:

50 percent of security professionals haven't changed their social networking account's passwords for a year or more, while 20 percent of them have never changed it.

A report by Fractl team found that hackers sell Facebook login details for just $5.2 on the dark web.

Passwords for 32 million users have been hacked and leaked in 2016, while several high-profile Twitter accounts were compromised in 2019.
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