YouTube Lets You Identify Videos With Subtitles When You Mute Your Phone

YouTube shows which videos have subtitles when you mute your phoneThe success of YouTube depends heavily on the fact that its developers work constantly on new features to improve the overall experience for the consumers. They give attention to every minor detail to make more useful options that later become a part of the video hosting platform. Continuing with their mantra, the auto-generated subtitles is another small surprise for the viewers.

A lot of amazing content on YouTube still remains unexplored because of the language barriers. There would always be words that are hard to understand for foreigners even if they are familiar with multiple languages.

To overcome this challenge, YouTube came up with the feature of providing subtitles in the videos through algorithms. Today, these captions not only put words in perspective but also make us understand the content in a better way.

Subtitles are based on dialogues, captions, other audible sound and cues.

However, it was still difficult for users to identify which videos had the option to show subtitles along. But now a new feature has been discovered with which viewers can know if the video, that they want to see offer subtitles or not, without even opening them.

According to Bernardo Ferrari, all you have to do is switch off your phone’s media volume and open the YouTube app. Once done, it will show the CC/Subtitles tag in the description of every video present in search result, home tab or any of the sections within the app.

While AndroidPolice noted that, the feature will show up as ‘CC’ label for users who have US English as a default language of their phone, while for the ones with UK English, you will see ‘subtitles’ instead. Google has not confirmed about the reason for this differentiation yet.

We are still not aware of the exact version or when this feature was released by YouTube, but it indeed can save up a lot of time if you already know what to pick in foreign language.

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