5 Tips to Write Killer Marketing Content

Today, companies need to produce tons of new content to promote themselves and keep the light on. First, companies have to make sure that their content gets them found easily. From blog posts to webinars, one needs to publish content that helps users find it on the Internet using Google. This will bring traffic and improve search engine rankings. Second, content should get, hold and prompt audience’s attention to take them to action such as clicking a button “Learn More,” making a call, or visiting your store to buy, buy, and buy. This content surely is killer.

In fact, creating killer content is not that easy. If it were, then everything you saw on TV, on the theater stage or read would blow your mind. But it doesn’t happen. Inspiration is not very helpful if you don’t know how to use it. So what’s the solution? Let’s see.

Tip #1: Stay tuned

Stay informed about the industry news even if it sounds like a daunting task.

• Know what bloggers and journalists, who cover your industry, write
• Subscribe to the newsletters you are interested, and forget about your competitors
• Learn more about the pain points of your audience and adjust your offers to meet them

Identify what your customers are interested in and what obstacles they can meet on their way to using your service. For example, StudentShare offers students to download free academic papers and use them as a template for their own works. The point is that college and high school students do not have too much money to spend them on writing services, but they still need quality help. The website allows visitors to get a limited amount of free papers or get a paid account to get unlimited papers. The main problem of high cost is solved while the company doesn’t lose anything.

Tip #2: Monitor social networks

More often social networks serve as a reflection of the brand’s audience and the brand itself in the real time. Look through the comments people leave and what questions they ask. On the basis of this, you can generate ideas for your blog or website content. For example, if your users are wondering how marketing strategies work, try to write a blog post about that. On the other hand, if your clients complain that they do not understand something in the process of ordering your goods or services – make sure to include this information to the web pages of your resource.

For instance, Zappos, an online shop that sells accessories and shoes, knows how to use social media in the right way. They build real relationships with their fans my means of Facebook. They also have special and exclusive website content available for those have once clicked the “Like” button. This motivates users to be active on the social network and give Zappos ideas via Facebook comments and likes. Since the ideas come from the audience, it is more likely that they will resonate with customers’ needs.

Tip #3: Fans and customers first

Each time you refresh your website content or add a new blog post, think about your audience. The best way to create an appealing marketing content is to present it in a form of dialogue with your visitors and assure them that they are important to you. For instance, Ford company has a section on their website – Social.ford. Every time they add a new post, they locate it on the main page along with three main things: image, headline and users’ comments. This creates a friendly impression of the company.

Tip #4: Lists are good

People love to read “The best of” and “Top” lists. Locate some posts with lists to increase your readership number and conversions. For example, make a list of the most popular services you have provided this year, put together the best articles you have published in April, or create a list of business books you would recommend people to read this summer.

For instance, at the blog of Martellcustomhomes users can find a number of blog posts that include lists. This format makes it easier to read those texts and moreover make your content stand out from the crowd, and if enough readers find, like and share it, your SER will improve.

Tip #5: Keep the content evergreen

Of course, cool ideas appear every day, but there are amazing evergreen topics you can use at every moment, and they will get noticed. Emmysclosetbows is an online store that provides clothes for children. They have a blog, and among specific articles, authors also publish some ideas that never get old, like “How to” articles to help readers solve some basic challenges “Real life” stories to build a better connection and “Inspirational” stories to motivate people and inspire them to do something new.

Keep these points in mind and start creating! If you have more ideas, feel free to share them with us.

Veronica Hunt is freelance writer and content manager at aplusonly. She is passionate about education and technology. Follow Veronica on Linkedin.
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