12 Tips: Avoid Losing Followers On Social Media - infographic

Stop Being a Loser: 12 Tips to Avoid Social Churn - #infographic #socialmedia

Wondering why you're losing followers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and other social media sites?

Then wonder no more!

Here's a graphic from Sumall team delineating 12 useful tips to help you be less of a loser when it comes to retaining your social community and keeping them happy.

Key highlights:

Respond With In 1 Or Half Hour: Unlike e-mail, social media is fast-paced and people expect near real-time interaction. 60 minutes is good, 30 is best.

Practice Hashtag Discipline: #If #your #posts #look #like #this #then #something #is #wrong #and #you #need #serious #help.

80 % Entertain. 20% Sell: If you're generally interesting, people will take the time to hear you out when you need them to. Go figure.

Always Add Sources And Descriptors: Being honest and helpful about where your content comes from will earn you major points with your fans.

Click image to enlarge.

How to get more and avoid losing followers on #SocialMedia - #infographic
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