Be Mindful Of What You Post On Social Media: What Goes Online Stays Online! - #infographic

Be Mindful Of What You Post On Social Media - What Goes Online Stays Online!- #infographic #internet

Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Instagram - nowadays it seems there are too many social networking sites to keep track of.

But do you know that the small components of your online activity can be pieced together to build a larger, more invasive profile. And in the wrong hands, who knows what will be done with it?

Take a look at this infographic from Who Is Hosting This to get a clear picture of how public your private private information is? And how accessible it is if you aren't careful?
Be Mindful Of What You Post On Social Media - What Goes Online Stays Online! - #infographic #LinkedIn #Facebook #Twitter

Divulging too many personal details online can make you an easy target for hackers. Protect your identity by keeping your private life private, and minimizing the information you share online.
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