The Golden Age of Mobile - infographic

Social Media, Internet, SMS, Mobile Apps – Incredible Smartphone Statistics, Facts and Figures [INFOGRAPHIC]
Ever since the evolution of the mobile phone, its usage has grown in leaps and bounds, as has the technology used in developing the device into something akin to a futuristic gadget capable of so much more than anybody had even envisioned a decade back. Today, the smartphone – or at least a standard feature phone – is a necessity that almost everybody owns.
The basic reason behind the popularity of smartphones is the speed at which it has outpaced any contemporary existing technology to find its way into mainstream usage.
The infographic below from pennystocks takes a closer look at the current state of mobile market and mobile social network activity, with some mesmerizing facts and stats.
Some key highlights:
89 billion apps downloaded daily, that is over 5 times as much data that is uploaded on Facebook per day.
Average American spends 3 hours a day on their smartphone, that is over twice the amount of the time they spend eating.

Infographic: The Golden Age of Smartphone
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