12 Ways To Conquer Pinterest

12 Ways To Conquer Pinterest (infographic)
Growing your business can be battle. To win that battle, businesses need to be ahead of the curve, taking advantage of all the new forms of internet marketing that has emerged over the last few years. One of those mighty tools is Pinterest. Check out the infographic below illustrates how to drive traffic and increase sales through Pinterest marketing.
Via: Seo.com/conquering-pinterest-10-ways-to-increase-sales-through-pinning

Best time to strike - Post your pins during the Pinterest's peak usage hours, Monday to Friday 06 PM to 10 PM (Eastern Standard Time) and Saturday all day.

Create great visual content - Create unique and quality visual content that compels, inspires, or helps people Tutorial, tips, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) and recipe pins receive 42% higher repin rate.

Add a pin it button to your website - Make your content as shareable as possible, by adding a "Pin it" button to the content on your website.

Promote through social media channels - Integrate other social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and GooglePlus to your Pinterest account.

Speak to a specific demographic - 80% of users are women, 50 percent of users have kids, 80 percent of users are 25+, 28% make over 100K.

Utilize Pin description area, links and Hashtags - A key feature of Pinterest is the ability to follow an image back to its original source/sharer. This is done through the link. Adding a description with hashtags will help users find your image.

Create categorized boards - Make multiple boards that not only showcase your images, but boards that also cover the lifestyle your brand represents.

Video gallery - Make sure the videos you post are relevant with quality information and are not all from just your company.

Hot a contest - Keep your followers connected and engaged by hosting a contest. Examples include: Video and Photo contests, or Enter-to-win contest and more.

Track your success - Continue to conquer Pinterest by keeping track of your success. Continue what works and change what doesn't. Use Pinterest Analytics to understand how people are engaging with your content.

Follow other - Following boards and people in your industry can help you to find a lot of awesome content and also gives you an idea what people are sharing.

Repins - Don't just upload your own product's images. Full time self-promotion is no-no on social media. Share other people's content alongside your own so that your profile become a place for your followers.

Follow our board on Pinterest: Pinterest.com/digitaliworld
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