Mobile Growth, Advertising & Video Domination: 10 Facebook Trends of 2015 - #infographic

Mobile Growth, Advertising and Video Domination: 10 Facebook Trends of 2015 - #infographic

"By now we are accustomed to updates and changes from our favorite social media platform to loathe and love: Facebook.

Just this month we learned about yet another News Feed update, which led us to research ALL the changes the social media giant has gone through in 2015. Turns out that many of the statistics we learned are part of larger trends that can mean a lot to you and your business.

To digest all this information, the team at Pagemodo has created a comprehensive infographic that you can save, share, and use to strategize your social media plan for the rest of the year."

Key takeaways:

Facebook Video Domination

Since Facebook video views surpassed YouTube for the first time back in summer 2014, video has continued to grow with features like native video auto-play. Marketers follow the money, which explains why we've continued to see video explode on the social network.

Reallocation of Paid Ad Budgets

Social media currently represents 90 percent of company marketing budgets, and is forecast to rise to nearly 25 percent within five years. No surprise that marketers have already begun to focus energy on paid in lieu of organic efforts.

Skyrocketing Mobile Growth

Of Facebook's 1.39 billion monthly active users 526 million are mobile-only. Advertisers have shown that they won't be leaving a pie piece that large on the table - good news for Facebook's mobile ad solution.

Mobile Growth, Advertising and Video Domination: 10 Facebook Trends of 2015 - #infographic
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