16 Easy-To-Try Motivation Tips To Get More Done - #Infographic

16 Simple Motivation Tips For Marketers To Get More Done - #Infographic

If you're struggling with to get things done and to keep your energy levels up, then give these 16 simple productivity tricks a try.

Just 5 Minutes:

5 Minutes of focus is usually enough to break through your apathy, and before you know it, an hour has passed and you're done (or have made good progress).

Plan Tomorrow Tonight:

Creating a short list of simple to-do tonight means hitting the ground running tomorrow, and that early momentum will carry you through the rest of your day.

Get the right tools:

Work tools that frustrate or overwhelm you slow you down and put you in a bad mood. Guaranteed procrastination. Find a tool that actually makes your job easier, instead of giving you a headache.

Don't be a perfectionist:

Impossible standards = guaranteed stress and procrastination. It's easier to improve what you have than conjure perfection out of thin air, so stop psyching yourself out and just get started.

Read rest of the in below infographic, which comes courtesy of Wrike.

16 Easy to try. Easy to incorporate and very effective Motivation Tips To Get More Done - #Infographic
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