Cloudflare Mitigates Largest DDoS Attack Compromising 13,000 Devices at 5.6 Tbps

The biggest DDoS attack to date was mitigated by Cloudflare recently. The attack compromised over 13,000 devices and the speed noted down was 5.6 terabits per second.

The incident originated from a botnet based in Mirai and arose in October of 2024. It was designed to target an internet service provider located in the East of Asia to try and bring down the service.

Cloudflare shared more on the matter including how this incident lasted for 80 seconds but didn’t have any impact on the real target. It also shared more on this front including how the attack did not signal any alerts due to detection and mitigation being kept anonymous.

A similar report from a DDoS attack that arose at the start of October stood at 3.8 Tbps and lasted for just over a minute. This was the record holder for being the biggest volumetric assault.

This incident is proof that many hyper-volumetric attacks continue to rise more frequently than seen in the past. It’s a very noticeable change during Q3 of last year. Then in the following quarter, the attacks went over the 1Tbps figure with QoQ growth reports showing a rise of 1885%.

Cloudflare also shared how the number of 100mps attacks similarly grew 175% with a 16% rise of those going above the 1B pps figure. HTTP DDoS attacks were only responsible for 3% of the overall total noted down. 63% of the rest were linked to small attacks that didn’t go above the 50,000 rps level.

Cloudflare similarly issued a warning of how Blitz DDoS attacks were getting more frequent and short-lived in duration. It was up to a point where humans couldn't reply, gauge traffic, and apply the necessary measures to prevent the attack.

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