Survey Shows 55% People Are Using Generative AI Instead of Traditional Search Engines for their Queries

According to a survey by The Information, 77% of the respondents out of 1088 said that they are not using traditional search engines like Google for their queries, they are generative AI apps instead. This made Barry Schwartz run a poll on X to find out how many people are using generative AI tools for searching instead of traditional search engines. The results of the poll on X showed that 55% of the respondents are using generative AI or ChatGPT for their queries instead of Google.

The poll on X received 917 votes, out of which 55% votes were inclined using ChatGPT or generative AI tools for their queries. The reason why this percentage is less than the percentage from the survey by The Information is because most of Barry Schwartz’s followers on X are SEO and search marketers. So, they must use Google and traditional search engines a lot instead of generative AI.

The 77% result by The Information can also be because of their audience which is extremely niche and they could be using AI search engines for different purposes like coding or questions that Google do not care about much.

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