Mastering ChatGPT: The Art of Crafting Clear and Concise Instructions

If you want to make the most of ChatGPT, chances are that you would be on the lookout for strategies that would make it much more effective than might have been the case otherwise. It turns out that OpenAI has an engineering guide that can help you to come up with the best prompts with all things having been considered and taken into account. Without further ado, here are six of the best strategies outlined by the company:

1) Be as clear as possible

ChatGPT is known to misconstrue instructions. That’s why you need to try your level best to make it so that the instructions you are providing are as clear and concise as possible. If you need the answer to be brief, make sure that you specify that. It’s also essential to outline each and every step that you want the chatbot to follow through with. Think of it like talking to a junior member of your team.

2) Give references

In order to avoid situations wherein ChatGPT spews out falsehoods, it might be useful to provide a sample text. These references can help the chatbot hone in on the right answer to the question that you are posing, and reduce the likelihood of hallucinations that come about when it is trying to avoid disappointing you.

3) Break tasks down

The more complex the task, the more likely ChatGPT would be to face issues. Breaking tasks down is useful because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing the chatbot to figure things out step by step. You can then compile the responses in order to get a clear overview of what you’re attempting to accomplish.

4) Give it time to think

This relates to the previous tip. In a nutshell, ChatGPT needs to be given time to think things through, and with all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that this will improve the quality of its answers. You can also ask the chatbot to provide its chain of thought if that will help move matters along.

5) Don’t forget about other tools

External tools can be an enormously useful way to keep ChatGPT on track. OpenAI admits that ChatGPT comes with its fair share of flaws, and it encourages users to adopt external tools in order to mitigate these downsides. Open AI’s own Code Interpreter is just one of the many tools that you can use in this regard.

6) Change prompts systematically

At some point or another, you are going to need to start altering your prompts. In spite of the fact that this is the case, changing them suddenly and comprehensively might not be the best way to go about things. It would be far more beneficial to gradually and systematically alter prompts to see how this will impact the end result.

Image: DIW-AIgen

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