Global Employee Rights In The Spotlight: Top 10 Worst Nations For Workers

A good job is quintessential to a prosperous lifestyle but what do you do when a nation you’re working in refuses to give you employee rights that you’re entitled to?

Thanks to ITUC, we’ve got the latest findings on this front in terms of which nations fell backward in terms of giving workers their right dues. To be more specific, the top 10 worst nations for workers in 2023 are in the spotlight and we’ve got the details for you below.

According to the media outlet, Belarus, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Philippines, Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey, Eswatini, and Egypt failed to impress. The report features a staggering 149 nations and ranks them according to which rights of freedom they were providing and where they happened to fall short of this endeavor.

This included a new right linked to collective bargaining and the freedom to oppose or go on strike when things did not fall rightly in place. Moreover, a score was allotted to every country, depending on how greatly or how poorly they faired against all others. 1 was for sporadic violations of their rights while those above 5 meant there was no guarantee in place linked to breaking the law.

In 2023, it’s the North African region and the Middle East that got the worst scores seen across the Global Rights Index. The average for them was 4.5. Meanwhile, some experts in the field even spoke about the greatness of Qatar which is doing well in this domain, producing remarkable progress, showing how keen it is on better workers’ rights.

But we must add how low scores in the Gulf region have to do with the continuous use of Kalafa, a grading score that’s stringent in terms of allotting points. And due to this, so many migrant employees continue to be abused of their basic human rights.

This part of the world was followed up closely by the likes of the Asia-Pacific which featured a score of 4.18. Then came Africa with 3.8, and then the US with 3.5. Meanwhile, employees and trade unionists were killed in close to eight different nations in 2023 alone. Those included countries like Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Eswatini, Guatemala, and even El Salvador.

As per the infographic released on this front in the report, selective nations got the approval in the form of a green work and interestingly, all of them are present in the EU. Other parts of the globe showed less hopeful images and close to 87% of those nations have ended up going against the basic rights of workers by entering into a labor strike. This is a staggering 63% rise from what was seen in 2014.

Meanwhile, other highlights of the report displayed close to nine different nations witnessing ratings get worse in 2023 and then include Liberia, Congo, Togo, the UK, El Salvador, and even Haiti. But where there is bad, there is also some good. We’re seeing nations like Chile, Australia, and even Cote d’Ivoire pick up the pace in terms of better ratings.

The report was gathered after the ITUC rolled out questionnaires to several national unions around the globe so they could better highlight this matter and raise awareness on the issue which again is a fundamental right.

Those were recorded every year, starting from April to March, and then ended up getting verified too. Every nation is analyzed and marked against a series of indicators to produce an index such as that we’re seeing today.

The State of Global Workers’ Rights - Chart
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