OpenAI To Soon Add Watermarks To Pictures Generated Using DALL-E 3

Tech giant OpenAI has confirmed how it’s all set to launch watermarks to pictures generated through its DALL-E 3 technology.

The news comes as more tech firms are generating support for a long line of standards arising from the C2PA.

The company mentioned how the watermarks would pop up alongside pictures made through the ChatGPT website. Meanwhile, the API for the model is gearing up to make the changes as we speak.

So this means all mobile users will attain the watermarks by the middle of February. They will include metadata components that are invisible alongside a visible CR symbol that would pop up alongside the left side of every picture.

Users can even go as far as checking which tools were used to make the content online via the company’s platforms by looking at various websites such as Content Credentials Verify. But it’s confirmed that only pictures would be applicable here and not text or video content would be applicable for the change of adding watermarks.

In case you’re wondering the reason behind the watermark, well, it’s to ensure there is a negligible impact on the image quality. This would also enlarge the images for a few tasks along the way.

The C2PA entails firms such as Microsoft and Adobe and they have been promoting the use of watermarks for days. They hope this will assist the viewer in identifying which content is human-generated and which one is made using AI technology.

But if you think watermarking is the only way to ensure an end to misinformation, that’s not the case. So many leading apps today get rid of metadata from content uploaded online.

The company says adopting such measures and recognizing the need for such changes is a key step toward ensuring digital information is correct and trustworthy.

Image: OpenAI

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