OpenAI Rolls Out New Software That Offers Video Generation Through AI For The First Time

Tech giant OpenAI seems to be on a roll this year as it just unveiled new software that enables video generation through AI for the first time.

The makers of ChatGPT have confirmed how they’re including the greatness of AI technology in video design which has never been done before. This new rollout dubbed Sora works similarly to its image creation tool called DALL-E.

The user would type any scenes and in return, Sora would generate HD video clips. The latter would be inspired through still pictures, fill up missing frames, and also enable existing video extensions along the way.

Sora by OpenAI revolutionizes video creation through AI, promising HD clips inspired by user input, bridging the gap between images and videos.
Photo: Digital Information World - AIgen/HumanEdited

This type of video technology may transform into the next frontier for Generative AI, thanks to the fact that chatbots and image generators are on the rise as we speak in the world of consumers and business. Moreover, such creative opportunities would further go on to excite experts in the world of AI.

But critics who have been wary of AI causing a rise in misinformation as the upcoming elections term in the US arise are still wondering how it can be beneficial. It’s the season of political crunch around the globe and there couldn’t be a worse time for such a product’s release, another stern critic has mentioned.

Remember, every year, the figures for deepfakes produced through AI technology continue to peak and we’re talking stats showing a massive 900% rise YoY as per stats from Clarity.

Through Sora, the company hopes to compete against rivals in the world of AI like Meta and even Google. We’ve already seen the latter roll out its Lumiere in January. Similarly, tools are popping up from a significant number of startups as well as those well-established in the industry.

Sora would combine pictures, video creation, and text together in one as OpenAI hopes to include a large AI model suite to its already revolutionizing tools for the masses.

As confirmed by the company’s CEO, the world today is multimodal and that’s why more things need to be done to ensure engagement is done the right way as gone are the days when we just relied on text to get the best experience.

So far, the rollout is just up for grabs to a small number of testers who are gauging its safety but we should see a global release very soon.

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