New Survey of Business Executives by Fortune Shows that Elon Musk is the Most Overrated CEO in America

Elon Musk is probably the most popular CEO in America right now but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have many haters. Fortune conducted a survey of hundreds of business executives in America and the results showed that Elon Musk is the most overrated CEO in America. Fortune hasn’t said anything about the exact number of people surveyed but the questions in the survey are public. Fortune asked these business executives to name the most underrated and most overrated CEO. Surprisingly, Elon Musk was also declared the most overrated CEO in America last year. This year, he received 399 votes and became the most overrated CEO once again. The second most overrated CEO was Disney’s Bob Iger who received 302 votes.

Elon Musk is always busy being the CEO to different companies including electric vehicle, Tesla, and rocket company known as SpaceX. Last year, he also bought Twitter and renamed it X. Elon Musk is greatly congratulated on starting electric vehicle and commercial space companies but on the other hand, he was also criticized for making extremely ambitious decisions. He is continuously postponing sending humans to Mars through SpaceX. In 2017, he said that he will send the first human to Mars in 2024. Then in 2021, he postponed it to 2026. Now, he is saying that humans will probably reach Mars in 2029. This shows that Elon Musk doesn’t have a proper timeline about when he will send a human to Mars. These kinds of empty promises have made people think of him as an overrated CEO who only knows how to talk but never takes any actions to fulfill his promises. Representatives of Musk have not commented about this survey yet.

Photo: Photo by Trevor Cokley / U.S. Air Force Academy / Dvidshub

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