Microsoft Introduces New Security Feature for Online Business Verification

Microsoft has updated its Entra Verified ID service, which businesses use to confirm a customer's identity. This service helps in securely logging into services like banking or verifying employment online. The latest addition to this service is called Face Check, aimed at enhancing security for businesses operating online.

Face Check adds a facial recognition step to verify someone's identity. It works by comparing a person's recent selfie to the photo on their official documents like a passport or driver's license. Microsoft's technology then calculates how closely the two images match and provides this match as a percentage.

This approach is designed to add an extra layer of security. It's particularly useful for important transactions or when accessing sensitive information. Microsoft suggests that Face Check could be used for various purposes, including issuing passkeys to employees or helping with password resets.

Microsoft has emphasized privacy with this new feature, stating that it does not store any of the images used during the Face Check process. Businesses will only receive the match percentage without accessing any photo data. Currently, Face Check is being tested and has been adopted by IT service company BEMO for employee identity verification.

In the future, Microsoft plans to broaden the capabilities of Entra Verified ID. This will include verifying a person's work history or legal status. More details on these expansions are expected to be announced soon.

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