Major Win For Apple As EU Says Its iMessage Service Doesn’t Need To Be Available To Alternative Producers Including Android

It’s a decision that tech giant Apple has been longing to hear for years.

And now, we can finally confirm that the EU has just made a mega ruling in favor of the leading iPhone maker. As per the final decision, the EC says both Apple’s iMessage service and Bing’s Search don’t need to be highlighted as gatekeepers in the industry.

For this reason, it’s now shutting down an investigation on this front and that is a major win for the Cupertino firm as its iMessage service has been scrutinized by Android makers for years. The same is the case for WhatsApp users and those on Messenger who felt alienated when Apple displayed messages that featured green bubbles instead of the usual text.

Those on encrypted messaging apps like Signal and Telegram also spoke about their concerns with iMessage and how regular iPhone users saw the display in blue while the rest just witnessed green bubbles.

At the moment, only iPhone users and those having devices like iPads can make use of this iMessage in all of its glory. Moreover, the competition’s restrictions will not apply to browsers on Bing and Edge by Microsoft too, including the likes of Microsoft ads as well.

Meanwhile, one rep for the company did reveal to media outlets how it was super pleased with the decision arising from the commission.

They confirmed how this iMessage is a great service that users on Apple adore as it provides the easiest means for communication with loved ones, not to mention the great privacy standards and enhanced safety requirements.

So many consumers have greater access to different messaging platforms that cannot be used at once as they reflect how simple it is to make switches between those.

The software giant explained through a decision by the commission how Bing and Microsoft Edge must be considered as top challengers of the industry, instead of weak rivals.

The recent decision by the EC that came on Tuesday doesn’t mean the tech giant won’t be given the treatment of gatekeepers themselves under the current regulations of the EU.

These decisions won’t alter the way Apple and Microsoft function as gatekeepers as compared to their other core services on offer.

The EC says it will continue monitoring both firms and the current market, keeping aware of which developments arise as we speak and if any changes are to be made on this front.

EU's decision on iMessage and Bing: No gatekeeper status, a win for Apple and Microsoft.
Photo: Digital Information World - AIgen/HumanEdited

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