Google’s New Policy Changes Come Into Play As Ban On Impersonation And False Affiliation Ads Set To Begin Next Month

Search engine giant Google has just rolled out a series of changes to its Misrepresentation policy related to ads on the platform.

The company confirmed today how the goal is to address all kinds of issues involving deceiving practices where impersonation and fake affiliations were taking place at large.

A new statement from Google was also published in this regard where they mentioned how Google Ads would be updating its Unacceptable business endeavors as a part of its Misrepresentation policy that entails grabbing users' attention by giving them data or funds through fake affiliations or by ads by public figures or brands that make it all seem so real.

The policy change is set to begin as early as next month when Google Ads will begin rolling out new policies to limit those ads that falsely claim links with well-known names of famous personalities so that they can manipulate the users out there. There has been a little delay for some French advertisers who have till April 2024 to comply with such changes.

The search engine giant says that anyone violating this policy is said to be committing a serious offense. Moreover, accounts that are in clear violation would be suspended and banned shortly and would not be allowed to market their ads through its platform.

The entire overview of this misrepresentation policy for Google Ads was also laid down by the company so advertisers are well aware of what’s acceptable now and what’s not.

To be more specific, the policy has gone on to state how there are a series of unacceptable practices including the likes of concealing data regarding a certain business and impersonating a lineup of brands.

Advertising goods and services would not be delivered and any services that were marketed would be done in a manner that endangers a person’s health and safety too. Meanwhile, phishing techniques used for collecting people’s data would no longer be allowed either.

The company is all set to take serious action against all accounts receiving warnings, settlements, and direct complaints linked to the malpractice of businesses. In the same way, the tech giant says advertisers were provided with stark warnings and told to show integrity or they would now be facing serious consequences.

The company mentioned how it would be taking into consideration any appeals generated in its direction for reinstatements for cases that it feels are exceptional to the rule. While advertisers could face serious scrutiny in this regard, the complete goal on this front has to do with creating bigger trust amongst apps, users, and advertisers.

But how do changes made to Google Ads’ policy impact advertisers? Well, there are several ways through which that can happen.

For starters, marketers would make sure ads aren’t making deceptive claims about famous brands or are designed to manipulate others. The policy stated how anyone violating the policy might have suspended accounts and could be banned as a whole from Google Ads completely.

Lastly, the policy goes on to mention how practices such as giving rise to goods and services that can’t be delivered are forbidden as are attempts designed to carry out phishing.

Google has reiterated that it hopes such changes make it easier to carry out appeals so that those advertisers who feel like they’ve been mistreated would now be able to carry out appeals and have their voices heard through the misrepresentation policy.

Google says it wishes to keep good relations with all of its stakeholders and since advertisers play an integral part in its success, they hope such changes can ensure appeals will be heard and no discrimination of any kind takes place.

Google Ads to crack down on false affiliations with famous names, aiming to prevent user manipulation.
Photo: Digital Information World - AIgen

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