Google Introduces Gemma, New AI Tools for Developers

Google has just launched a new set of AI models called Google Gemma. These tools are made for developers and researchers who want to create AI in a good way. Google Gemma comes in two versions, Gemma 2B and 7B. They use the same tech that made the Gemini models. These new models are ready to go and can be adjusted using your own data to fit what you need for your projects.

Gemma AI models by Google, based on Gemini tech, are accessible for free on Kaggle with Google Cloud credits.

Developers can try out Gemma for free on Kaggle, a platform for data science. Also, if you're new to Google Cloud, you can get up to $300 in credits to use these models.

Gemma models are known for doing really well, even though they're not as big as some other models out there. You can even run them on your own computer or laptop. Google says that Gemma is better than much bigger models when looking at certain tests. They've put together a report that goes into detail about how well Gemma works, what data was used to make it, and how it was built.

Google made sure Gemma follows their rules for AI. This means the models have built-in ways to keep personal and sensitive info from being used in training. Google is also giving out a new guide called the Responsible Generative AI Toolkit. This toolkit has tips and tools for making AI apps safely. It talks about how to build safety checks with just a few examples, how to look into and fix any problems with Gemma, and shares advice from Google's own experience with big AI models.

Gemma can be customized with your own data for different tasks, like making summaries or helping find information. It works with Google Cloud, NVIDIA graphics cards, and can be used on many devices like computers, laptops, and phones.

In short, Google's new Gemma models give developers powerful tools to make AI apps in a responsible way. With free access on Kaggle and credits for Google Cloud, it's easier for people to start using these models for their projects.

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