Trouble For Google As Several Of Its DeepMind Scientists In Talks To Leave The AI Subsidiary

Bloomberg News has just reported a very interesting finding that has to do with Google’s AI Subsidiary firm, DeepMind.

A leading number of scientists could potentially leave the organization and start one of their own. And that’s because they’re already holding talks with possible partners about another startup located in the French capital city of Paris.

The top scientists included Karl Tuyls and Laurent Sifre who just gave notice to leave the organizations. They’re said to have entered into talks with the investors regarding financial rounds that may raise more than 200 million euros, the media outlet reported.

The firm which is more reputed as Holistic could be focused on the likes of developing a brand new AI model. For now, both Google and its subsidiary have failed to confirm the news despite getting requests for comments regarding the matter.

DeepMind was first taken up by search giant Google around 10 years back as it hoped to work hard and fast on research linked to AI. This is now rolling out new offers across such a race so that it can better compete with the likes of chatbots powered by AI technology like ChatGPT.

The Mistral AI firm is based in the French capital and was first co-founded by one of DeepMind’s ex-researchers. He mentioned last year how the company raised a staggering 385 million euros during its second round of investments taking place over just seven months.

But the thought of more AI startups springing up featuring experts who are very familiar with the domain is a point of concern for Google as it’s known for holding a dominant market share. Competition featuring those who once led one of its own subsidiaries is definitely a serious blow to the organization but how successful the new AI venture will be, only time can tell.

Photo: Digital Information World - AIgen

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