Host Of Companies Sign Open Letter Accusing Big Tech ‘Gatekeepers’ Of Not Complying With EU Laws

A long list of companies, 24 to be exact, linked to the world of media and tech have just signed an open letter to the EU.

They accused a series of ‘Big Tech Giants’ who are better regarded as gatekeepers of not doing enough to comply with the Digital Markets Act. And according to them, it’s hurting their respective business.

They hope the letter can bring more attention to the subject as the EU tightens its competition rules. All those who signed the letter mentioned the gatekeepers to be Google, Apple, Meta, Amazon, TikTok, and Microsoft.

They are yet to do enough and engage in the matter effectively, the letter detailed.

For those who are not aware, the DMA delineates all those organizations having 45 million monthly active users and a capitalization of more than 75 billion euros as gatekeepers. These are those who are required by law to make messaging platforms function better, against other rivals of the industry. This would ensure users decide which platforms arise pre-installed when the device is purchased by them.

But that’s just one of many. Other requirements force the platforms to roll out practices that lead toward ‘self-made’ decisions of some services over a host of others.

The open letter was signed by the leading global media firms Schibsted, Ecosia, Proton VPN, Qwant, and Element as well. Gatekeepers failed to take part in any dialogue arising alongside third parties or those putting out solutions that fall short of their compliance with the Digital Markets Act.

In the same way, they added how the businesses and clients were kept in the dark regarding what the outcome would be like after the March 7 deadline where leading Big Tech giants would be required to have businesses get into compliance with the EU law.

Those who signed the letter claim they stand for the voice of thousands of firms impacted by the law. Therefore, they need the gatekeepers to engage with clients and other top stakeholders to give rise to constructive conversations so that quick progress on this front can be made.

In the same manner, they urged the EC and the Parliament to use power to make sure gatekeepers were complying with letters and the DMA starting in March.

The Commission and the EU Parliament nor their reps were present to pass any remarks or comments on this report and the issue that’s speaking about. We similarly saw Google’s parent firm and all others mentioned in the list fail to speak out on the matter when asked for comments.

The problem here that is of worrying concern is that big tech giants are not being kept in check and the CEO of Ecosia mentioned that before the open letter was rolled out. Therefore, other businesses fear they might suffer through the hands of the gatekeepers.

It’s a mighty challenge and we don’t see a solution on this front arising soon. After all, we’re talking about firms that have been working as a monopoly in the tech world for decades. Take Google for example. It reigns supreme and has been in the dominating position for so long.

One such matter that was brought to the attention of Ecosia was a proposal made by search engine giant Google which claims to put out various search engines on the same window. They don’t see that working out in its true essence because it won’t deliver fair competition as it's not designed in the spirit of the Digital Markets Act. Google would continue to dominate as that’s what it has been doing for years.

Photo: Digital Information World

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