SMBs Gearing Up for an AI Makeover

A new survey shows that a whopping 74% of SMBs (small to medium-sized businesses) haven't jumped on the AI bandwagon. Because 44% of these latecomers have their eyes set on the next year as their big AI debut.

So, why should SMBs even bother with AI? Well, the marketing world has been having a field day with AI, and those who've embraced it are singing its praises. Think time-saving shortcuts and money in the bank. But, let's be real, AI can be a bit of a learning curve, and SMBs are always racing against the clock.

Now, let's talk numbers. According to our friends over at Constant Contact, here's the scoop:

When talking about larger SMBs with 50+ employees, 40% of them are already well-acquainted with AI. While, a decent 30%, of Medium-sized SMBs with 10-49 employees, have AI in their toolkit. Meanwhile, only 12% of the smallest of SMBs with 1-9 employees have taken the AI plunge.

So, how are these AI adopters putting it to work? Here's the lowdown:

Over half of them (52%) are using AI for their social media magic. 44% are whipping up AI-infused content, from words to eye-catching visuals. And 41% are sliding AI into their email campaigns like seasoned pros.

Now, what's in it for them? A whopping 91% say AI has been a game-changer for their business. Plus, 72% of marketers swear by AI, claiming it saves them over 25 precious minutes every week. SMBs are also expecting a sweet financial bonus, with 72% predicting up to $5,000 in yearly savings, all thanks to AI marketing wizardry.

But, there's a twist in the tale. The AI learning curve can be as steep as a rollercoaster drop. A whopping 80% of SMBs are still at a beginner or intermediate level when it comes to AI. Their top AI hang-ups? Data security, costs, and the time it takes to get a grip on this tech.

In the ever-evolving world of AI and SMBs, it's like a hot romance in the making. As the saying goes, "The future is AI, darling." So, here's to hoping that these AI-curious SMBs can shake off their FOMO and join the AI dance floor. Cheers to the future!

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