Here Are the Fastest Growing Entry Level Jobs in the US

When you’re first getting started in your career, it helps to know what sorts of entry level jobs you should be looking for. just put out a list of some of the most sought after entry level positions in the US, and it bears mentioning that these jobs are available for people both with and without degrees. That makes them a lot more accessible than might have been the case otherwise, so without further ado, here are the jobs you should be going for.

Right at the very top, Outside Sales Representatives have seen a massive 258% increase in job postings with all things having been considered and taken into account. This change occurred within the span of a year, and it is notable because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up offering more opportunities to recent graduates. The average compensation for this role is around $60,000 per year.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Transportation Coordinators came in second place, with a 227% uptick between the years of 2022 and 2023. This job can earn you $47,500 per year, which is a decent salary for someone that is just starting out.

Some might say that entry level jobs never pay well, but in spite of the fact that this is the case, the third fastest growing job out there, with a growth rate of 131%, is that of quality auditors. This job commands a hefty salary of $84,500 on average, which makes it one of the best paying roles included in these rankings.

Unsurprisingly, the accounting profession is also seeing a boom, with a 125% increase year over year. Tax preparers and loan processors also saw their job postings and overall level of demand go up by 123% and 100% respectively, indicating that jobs that involve handling money are on the rise.

However, all of the jobs we have just described require a college degree. What about those that haven’t yet been able to complete college, or who don’t plan to go to college at all? Well, the data released by brings plenty of opportunities to the table for those that lack college degrees as well.

First up, inventory managers have seen a 143% uptick in demand based on job postings analyzed on With an average salary of $59,000, this job offers excellent compensation at an entry level, although the job that came in second on this list might be even better.

That’s mostly because the second fastest growing entry level job for individuals without a college degree, that of Auto Body Technicians, offers an average annual income of $82,500. This job does require technical training, but that just goes to show that a college education is not the only way in which you can go about obtaining a good salary. Job postings of this variety have doubled between 2022 and 2023.

Another job that has shown a similar rate of growth, 100% to be precise, is that of Environmental Health and Safety Specialists. This job obviously requires on-site training, but that will take far less time than going to college for years, and it will obviously be far more affordable for the average individual.

All in all, this report outlines paths that people can take when they are looking for their first job. It will be interesting to see what the data looks like in 2024.

H/T: Visualcapitalist
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