Apple's Quest for AI Supremacy: iOS 18 to Get a Dose of Artificial Intelligence

Tech giant, Apple is gearing up to embrace the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a big way. According to a recent update by an insider Mark Gurman, the tech giant is making strides to incorporate AI features into its upcoming iOS version, in a bid to keep pace with the AI advancements championed by Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI.

Gurman highlights that Apple's Senior Vice President, Craig Federighi, is spearheading the initiative to infuse AI into iOS 18. This endeavor revolves around leveraging a potent tool known as the Large Language Model (LLM), which utilizes extensive data to refine AI capabilities. The objective is to enhance both Siri and the Messages app, enabling them to tackle queries more adeptly and even auto-complete sentences, aligning with the recent changes seen in rival services.

Moreover, Apple's own LLM, tentatively dubbed "Apple GPT," is in the works, with an eye on upgrading Siri by 2024. This development indicates Apple's determination to make its mark in the AI domain.

Eddy Cue, the head of Apple's services, is also actively exploring the integration of generative AI into the company's productivity apps. This means AI could help users with tasks such as writing documents in Pages or crafting presentation slides in Keynote, akin to what Microsoft has already introduced for Word and PowerPoint.

However, there's a brewing debate within Apple on the deployment of its AI services. Some favor embedding them directly into devices like the iPhone, while others advocate a cloud-based approach. A hybrid solution also remains on the table. It's evident that Apple is playing catch-up in this AI race, and whether they can catch up with the likes of Microsoft and Google remains to be seen.

As Apple enters the AI arena, it's clear that they aim to become superheroes in the tech world, but they might be joining the party just as it's hitting full swing.

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