X App's Premium Calls are the VIP Club You Didn't Know You Needed

In a move that's sure to send shockwaves through the social media sphere, X (formerly Twitter) has just hinted at an exclusive new feature that will make you wish you had upgraded to X Premium sooner. The app is set to introduce both video and audio calling capabilities, and it seems like they're rolling out the velvet rope for Premium subscribers only. Say goodbye to free calls, folks!

Andrea Conway, X's resident design expert, let the cat out of the bag in July when she teased about these interesting new features. The real kicker, however, is that our sleuths have discovered code buried deep within the app that reveals these calls will be pay-to-play, available only to X Premium users.

Chris Messina, a tech developer, unearthed some delicious nuggets that shed light on this secret calling club. The app's code reveals what you'll see when you receive a call and allows you to choose who gets to ring your virtual doorbell. But hold on, there's more! Chris discovered a portion of code that nearly screams, "Audio and video calls are a premium feature," and reminds us to "Subscribe to get access." It's like an exclusive nightclub where only the VIPs can get in – but this time, it's virtual.

As if that weren't enough, X has been on a Premium subscription spree lately. Since rebranding from Twitter, they've been adding more goodies to tempt users into the Premium fold. They've even snatched away some previously free tools, just to make the Premium package look even more irresistible. It's like they're saying, "Hey, want to use our app? Pay up, or you'll miss out on all the cool stuff!"

And don't get too attached to features like Circles, which will be phased out by the end of October. It's as if X is remodeling their VIP lounge and some of the previous furniture no longer fits.

Let us not forget about the competition. Over at Meta, they're frantically introducing new features to Threads in the hopes of luring people away from X. It's a game of one-upmanship on social networking networks. Meanwhile, Bluesky and Mastodon are attempting to establish themselves. It's like a social media brawl, with Elon Musk thrown in for good measure.

So, to summarize, X App is working on something significant - and it's not your typical phone call. It's a private club where only Premium members can party via voice and video calls. The app is developing, with old functions being phased out like last season's fashion, and the future appears to be subscription-based. The race is on to see who can add the most features while luring people into their virtual lairs.

If you're still using the free version of X, you might want to reconsider your life choices – because Premium subscribers are about to have all the calling fun. If you're a Premium member, congratulations, you're in for a treat! And if you're not, well, you better subscribe before the virtual velvet rope goes up, and you're left standing outside, listening to the muffled sounds of exclusive conversations. It's a brave new world in social media, folks, and X is leading the way – one Premium call at a time.

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