WhatsApp is About to Introduce a New Game Changing AI Powered Chat

As the foremost instant messaging platform in the world, WhatsApp has the potential to completely transform the shape and face of the tech industry in general. In a recent conference, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that WhatsApp will be experimenting with AI based chat experiences in the near future. This will essentially make WhatsApp an even more powerful tool for communication than might have been the case otherwise.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that this AI powered chat will essentially act as a kind of virtual assistant so to speak. Users will be able to communicate with these AI assistants, which will be interesting because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up upending ChatGPT’s vice grip on the chatbot industry as of right now.

This isn’t the only upcoming update that is about to make its way to WhatsApp either. Based on beta testing that has been seen in the recent past, WhatsApp is about to introduce a brand new sidebar to the equation. Furthermore, users will get the chance to sort their chats out into categories, using specific filters to be able to group them together and thereby be able to find which conversations threads they are looking for a great deal more easily.

Finally, a new update is about to get rolled out for WhatsApp users on Android phones. The feature is called “status”, which will basically be an updated version of the “about” section that so many users will already be quite familiar with to one extent or another.

According to Mark Zuckerberg, AI is the way of the future. Incorporating as much AI as possible into various Meta platforms might be the only way to keep the company relevant with all things having been considered and taken into account. It will be interesting to see if these upgrades help to maintain WhatsApp’s status as a dominant force in the industry, although the quality of these features will certainly be a pertinent determining factor.

Read next: This Upcoming WhatsApp Update Might Change the Way We Share Media
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