US iPhone Purchases At Apple Hit New Low As Most Users Prefer Mobile Carriers

A new study is sharing some very interesting stats about iPhone sales in the US and how people are no longer dealing with Apple through direct means to get their devices.

Instead, they’re resorting to mobile carriers to get the job done with ease, while another option is any retailer. And what’s interesting is how the picture is the complete opposite of what we saw take place before during the times of the pandemic.

In that stressful period, people were more reliant on getting phones through Apple directly instead of the hassle of resorting to mobile carriers.

The latest news on this front comes to us thanks to CIRP who just launched its latest stats that highlighted how carriers are regaining superiority as more buyers are going back to the stores to make a purchase.

During 2021, the CIRP highlighted how Apple was going to hit new highs after 27% of the American clientele purchased mobile phones from Apple Stores or through the company via an online purchase. Meanwhile, carriers had 66% of the majority but that again was a huge low when compared to previous stats for wireless providers.

But the tables surely turned in the year 2022 when the trends were reversing. Tech giant Apple saw shares for iPhones in the US drop by a whopping 24%. And as per the latest stats, the CIRP claims sales for US iPhone via Apple continue to be in decline, reaching a mere 17%. The breakdown provided included 11% arising from Apple’s physical stores while the 6% was from online purchases through Apple.

The biggest winners of them all were mobile carriers that account for a whopping 79% of the total sales of Apple’s iPhones. The CIRP says it feels the biggest factor linked to this are consumers going back to retain shops with 65% of the combined iPhone sales taking place in-store and the rest 35% happening online.

From the stats that are put in front of us, we can see how clients going back to in-store shopping and mobile carriers possessing thousands of points for purchases puts them at a clear advantage against tech giant Apple. Remember, the latter has less than 300 stores in America.

Another top factor that comes into play in this situation is how the carriers have put out some very intriguing incentives in the past few years including the chance to win iPhones free of any cost. And above that, carriers even provide the credit for those free devices over a 30 to 36-month timeframe.

Therefore, it means clients are more than likely to go back to that carrier and attain their iPhone after checking installment balances and providing updates about the status.

Tech giant Apple also provides its fair share of benefits through its Upgrade Program for the iPhone as well as the introduction of an Apple Card. These are some great ways to get enticing offers as well as the best promotions.

However, the major drop in sales means small revenue for the Cupertino firm as fewer clients are going to resort to buying AppleCare’s warranty that lasts for an extended period of time. Other than that, we’re going to see a decline in sales for other accessories from the company when buyers resort to wireless carriers. As you can imagine, both of these endeavors are deemed to be products through which the leading iPhone-making firm generates huge margins.

Hence, it seems like a period of tough luck for Apple.

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