Here Are the Most Popular Undergrad Degrees in the US

Getting a university education has become nearly impossible due to the high tuition fees that students are forced to pay each semester. Given all of this, students are putting a lot more effort into selecting an undergraduate degree that would be the right fit for them with all things having been considered and taken into account. Data from the National Center for Education Statistics was compiled in order to give a better idea of which undergrad degrees are popular than might have been the case otherwise.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that business degrees have maintained their healthy lead at the top of the charts. In the 2020 to 2021 academic year, over 390,000 students graduated with this field of specialization. In spite of the fact that this is the case, it only saw a 7% growth in the past decade, with other fields showing much more growth.

Coming in second was Health Professions, which saw an 87% growth rate to reach 268,000 graduates by 2021 as compared to 2011. Psychology was in third place ten years ago with 100,906 graduates, but it has been replaced by Biomedical Sciences for the third spot with 131,499 graduates in 2021 alone.

As for the fields that saw the highest rate of growth, Military Technologies and its related subdisciplines saw a tremendous growth rate of 2,281% in the span of a decade. Back in 2011, just 64 individuals graduated with this major, but this jumped up to 1,524 in 2021.

Computer sciences also saw an inordinate rate of growth, growing 144% to reach 104,874 graduates which is up from 43,066 in 2011. Health Professions was able to maintain its second place ranking thanks to having the third highest growth rate of 87%. People’s opinions on what undergraduate fields they want to pursue are changing quite a lot. It will be interesting to see where things go from here on out, since science and technology is offering an abundance of opportunities that individuals would want to explore when they attend university.

Chart: Visualcapitalist

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