Google's Stadia as it is Blaming Windows and Games for Its Own Demise

In a bizarre twist of events, Google has found a scapegoat for the failure of its Stadia game-streaming service, and it's not taking any prisoners. According to leaked documents from the FTC v. Microsoft case, Google's Director of Product Management, Dov Zimring, blamed Stadia's collapse on anything from a lack of quality titles to Microsoft Windows. Buckle up because this is going to be an exciting ride.

Stadia's demise, according to Zimring, may be traced back to a lack of key AAA material. It's the equivalent of blaming a sinking ship on a lack of a pool. But hold on, there's more! Stadia appears to be trapped in a never-ending circle of doom: gamers would not subscribe due to a lack of games, and top-tier game developers would not bother due to the limited user base. It's like going to a party, and no one shows up because no one is present. Isn't he a genius?

Now, Google isn't just pointing fingers at the game developers; they're also giving Microsoft's Windows a friendly nudge under the bus. According to Zimring, Google realized it needed an impressive catalog of games to make Stadia a hit. Shocker, right? But here's where it gets interesting.

Google appears to have considered running Stadia's cloud servers on Windows using Microsoft's DirectX API. It appears to be reasonable, except for a tiny detail: Windows license prices. Google determined that the fees were too high for the service's long-term profitability. In other words, Stadia couldn't afford Windows. Consider a luxury vehicle that cannot afford premium gasoline; it is simply not possible.

But wait, there's more! Google's decision to go with Linux and Vulkan graphics API, while commendable for flexibility, came at a price for developers. It made it harder for them to port their games to Stadia compared to Windows-based cloud-gaming platforms like Nvidia's GeForce Now or Amazon's Luna. In the world of cloud gaming, it's as if Stadia were the kid with the wonky rollerblades at the skating rink.

Now comes the cherry on top. In its infinite wisdom, Google decided to establish its own first-party studio to create AAA titles for Stadia. Isn't that fantastic? They closed it down less than 14 months later. Why, you might ask? Zimring casually mentions the rising price of producing best-in-class video games. It's like entering a baking contest and then discovering you're allergic to flour.

In conclusion, Google's Stadia dilemma is one of blaming everyone and everything except itself. It's the equivalent of a chef blaming the kitchen equipment for a bad soufflé. Google has found an explanation for every twist and turn in Stadia's difficult voyage, whether it's a shortage of games, a choice of operating system, or the cost of producing games.

But let's not forget, in the gaming world, where innovation and competition reign supreme, sometimes you win, and sometimes you learn that blaming Windows for your problems isn't the best strategy.

H/T: PCMag

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