Google Is Rolling Out Its New Helpful Content Update But Don’t Expect It To Be Implemented In The Algorithm

Google is in the process of launching its helpful content update and while the search engine giant has made great progress, we are going to be very patient because there are no plans to have it implemented into the algorithm.

The news has raised concerns as many wondered what the purpose was, after seeing a rising number of changes being included in this year’s document. It was all covered in a lot of detail. And since Google did end up updating the documentation, it certainly doesn’t mean such changes are going to be displayed in the real algorithm, the company added today.

The changes are reportedly just amendments to the already existing health documentation and won’t be getting incorporated into this system, one spokesperson from Google unveiled.

Now the question on our minds and so many others is what really did change then?

For starters, we know that the search engine giant included a brand new section that would assist the document in making content updates for topics that get hosted by third parties. Moreover, it read how the content from such third-party groups gets hosted on the main webpage, you need to realize that such content would now be included in all the signals generated across the site. And that includes how helpful this content is.

Therefore, such types of content are solely dependent on the main purpose of the website and done without any sort of close supervision or making changes to primary sites. Therefore, recommendations are being produced that they need to get barred by Google so they’re no longer indexed.

Now the changes were not blindsiding by any means. Many people arising in the SEO community revealed how they would see amendments that caused third-party websites to witness a fall in rankings of such kinds of content. In all honesty, it never happened

Therefore, the question at this moment in time is why isn’t the latest system of Google picking up on the change that it made. And that’s when Google’s team member revealed that it’s not inside the algorithm yet but who knows, perhaps that they is near when it would be.

Now another question is how or why is this important? And the answer is really simple. This document doesn’t display the real-time effect of the company’s algorithms. Moreover, other examples of how Google has rolled out changes on paper but failed to do so into its own system are also prevalent where the algorithm refuses to follow such changes.

Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure. It’s all a major warning from Google’s side that it wouldn’t allow such practices to continue. Hence, the best thing to do is clear any content programs with third-party hosting, in case you’re still in possession of them.

As Google reiterates in its latest post, the crackdown is only on paper and is yet to come into place in the system itself.

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