A Tech Fairy Tale of EU to Apple "Open Sesame to Competitors"

Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of Techtopia, where giants like Apple roamed freely, a decree was issued by the wise rulers of the European Union. They declared that all smartphones and gadgets must unite under a standard charger, the mystical USB-C. The iPhone 15, a masterpiece from the Cupertino castle, embraced this universal connector, for it knew that resistance was futile in the face of impending legislation.

But that was not the end of this enthralling story; another decree was on the horizon. The Digital Markets Act (DMA) was a formidable piece of legislation meant to rein in the internet titans. This act has the potential to tear the fabric of Apple's walled garden apart. It mumbled about opening the doors to third-party app stores and sideloading, like a nefarious genie luring Aladdin with fantasies beyond his wildest dreams.

In the heart of this unfolding saga stood the EU's industry chief, Thierry Breton, a guardian of competition and innovation. He had a message, a demand, and some might say a spell, to cast upon Apple: "Open up your gates to competitors," he declared.

According to our story, Mosyle, the famous Apple Unified Platform, is sponsoring this extraordinary narrative, a magical solution that smoothly unites five separate applications on a single Apple-only platform. It enables corporations and educational institutions to automate the deployment, maintenance, and protection of Apple devices. Even fairy godmothers would envy this story of ingenuity and automation.

Now, back to our tale. The DMA, a sweeping piece of antitrust legislation, loomed like a storm cloud over the tech kingdom. It dictated that Apple must make changes to its sacred iOS, the revered App Store, and the noble Safari browser. These changes were meant to enhance interoperability and foster harmony with other ecosystems. Apple was given until March 5 of the following year to comply or face consequences that even the most daring knight wouldn't dare to challenge.

Breton, the EU's industrial wizard, happened to meet Tim Cook, Apple's enigmatic sorcerer, in the mysterious city of Brussels. Breton delivered his decree there after enjoying cups of digital tea. He declared that, following the iPhone 15's USB-C conversion, Apple must now extend its hospitality to competitors, like to a grand ball where everyone is invited to dance.

Breton declared that the DMA's next mission for Apple and other Big Tech businesses was to open their doors to competition. He highlighted that whether it was the magical electronic wallet, charmed browsers, or mystical app stores, the noble consumers brandishing an Apple iPhone should be allowed to choose from a plethora of competitive services supplied by numerous providers.

But, as in all good fairy tales, there was a counterargument. Apple, with a solemn expression, argued that such openness would jeopardize the sacred principles of user security and privacy. It clung to this belief like a dragon guarding its treasure. However, Breton, unmoved by these pleas, countered with a wave of his regulatory wand.

"EU regulation," he said, smiling, "nurtures innovation while protecting the sanctity of security and privacy." It was a statement that could not be argued with.

And so, the stage is set for the grand finale. Apple, with its loyal VP Craig Federighi, promised to cooperate with the EU in a dance of compliance. But whispers in the tech kingdom suggest that Apple will do everything in its power to limit the enchantment of sideloading and the allure of third-party app stores. The destiny of exposing iMessage to other texting services is up in the air, a point of contention among wise sages.

The tech world is watching with bated breath as the story unfolds. Will Apple obey the EU's order and open its gates, or will it conjure up new charms to keep its kingdom safe? Only time will reveal the ending of this captivating fairy tale, where regulators and tech giants dance to the tune of innovation and competition.

Photo: Yusuf P / Pexels

Read next: A Blooming Tale of Overblown Drama and Legal Limits of Apple's iPhone 12
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