45% of Americans Are Extremely Concerned About Online Privacy

Online privacy has become increasingly hard to come by, and it turns out that this concern is weighing rather heavily on the American populace with all things having been considered and taken into account. Most Americans tend to believe that there personal information is contained in around 200 databases. In spite of the fact that this is the case, the actual number might be as high as 400.

PrivacyHawk recently conducted a survey that revealed quite a bit about the state of online privacy with AI picking up so much steam. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that 45% of the people that responded to this survey stated that they are extremely concerned with how much privacy they have online.

Consumer Privacy, Personal Data, & AI Sentiment 2023

Furthermore, a national privacy law has received an astounding level of bipartisan support. As many as 92% of all Americans feel like Congress should pass a sweeping law that will secure their inalienable right to privacy. A similar proportion of over 90% are of the opinion that privacy scores need to be made commonplace because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing them to keep track of their information.

Many Americans are starting to take matters into their own hands as well. 40% are beginning to use a variety of tools for the purposes of covering up their tracks in the digital space, and around 48% said that they are willing to opt for paid services for privacy protection if they have the option at any point in the future.

This might be a great way for brands to win consumer loyalty. 85% of customers indicated that they would become more loyal to brand than might have been the case otherwise if they know that the brand in question is willing to defend their privacy. 66% feel like their data is already being used to train AI, and 80% are concerned about how this might end up impacting their privacy down the line as AI continues to grow and progress.

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