US District Court In Columbia Fails To Find Google At Fault Of Harming Its Rivals Through Limited Search Visibility

A shocking new decision has come forward by the US District Court today regarding a legal case linked to tech giant Google.

The court for the District of Columbia declared today that it could not find any proof that Android maker Google was going out to intentionally harm its competitors by reducing the visibility of their searches online.

The lawsuit dates back to the year 2020 and during that period, we saw the leading search engine giant get clearance of having no involvement in nefarious behavior. But the company would still be required to arrive in the court starting next month. Here is where they would be defending claims linked to Search Ads 360 and any other contracts linked to deals they approved that made sure Google was the default search engine through both browsers as well as smart devices.

It’s going to be very interesting to see Google’s outcome in this case and if the firm would be deemed guilty of trying to rid competitors for its own gains in the world of advertising as well as other browser deals. Similarly, it’s going to be unique to see if any outcome would ultimately result in the need for change in the world of search or not.

Google has for so long been accused of putting other firms at harm's by limiting search results on its engine and also demanding SVPs ensure all data is up for grabs on Google that are so much less favorable than the rest.

The judge of the case wrote down how the plaintiffs are yet to put out any form of evidence linked to Google’s anticompetitive behavior so far.

The claims in the case were linked to Google using Search Ads 360 to ward off rivals and harm competition by making sure a delay took place for Microsoft Ads, while the same features were given to Google Ads a while back. This was so that more harm could be caused to Microsoft while it competed.

A few other tools that were delineated in the lawsuit included Adobe and Skai too.

At the start of last year, we saw the tech giant roll out the latest version of SA360 and which comprised a set of new features like ads for inventory, dynamic search, and responsive search.

It also spoke about testing out some more features as well.

Google has since then launched its own statement on the matter after the decision from the court was announced today. They added how grateful they were to the court for taking into such considerations and dismissing claims pertaining to Google Search and how it’s designed to allow others to lose by limiting competition in the market.

The Android maker similarly spoke about how each engineer on Google’s team works so hard to ensure the Search is designed to give out the best results which means allocating the right resources to those that need it the most when conducting a search.

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