Reading Settings on Google Chrome Just Got More Complicated

Trying to find any kind of information online has become somewhat harder due to the presence of ads that can make neurodivergent people face significant challenges along the way. Individuals with ADHD often find themselves getting distracted, and this is why Reading Modes on browsers like Google Chrome started to become commonplace.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that Google Chrome is set to redesign Reading Mode. Chrome has had a troubled history as far as its Reading Mode is concerned, with the Alphabet owned web browsers frequently enabling and disabling it.

The main reading mode that users might be familiar with comes with useful strip because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up allowing them to adjust text size settings. You can also alter the spacing between letters and add themes as per your preference.

In spite of the fact that this is the case, upcoming builds for Google Chrome seem to suggest that this side strip is going to go away. Instead, all of the settings contained within it will be accessible through a gear icon. Some are saying that this will make Reading Mode less effective than might have been the case otherwise.

Instead of a single strip that contains all of the settings you would need, you will have to open the drop down menu by clicking on the gear icon. There are several sub lists that will open up as well with all things having been considered and taken into account.

Google may be trying to declutter the sidebar in order to open up space for other things that may prove useful in the future. It will be interesting to see how Google Chrome compensates for the added complexity of its reading mode. It is currently the single most popular web browser in the world, but Safari and Firefox’s simpler reading modes may be able to give them some momentum, and Microsoft Edge might also get a boost if this update does not get approval from consumers.

H/T: Leopeva64

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