Moz Introduces New Brand Authority Metric That Helps In Gauging Online Brand Strength

Moz has recently launched a new metric called Brand Authority that is designed to better assess the strength of brands online.

The company says the initiative was to help marketers really get a better understanding of brand strength while also highlighting the list of the leading 500 American brands in the industry.

We saw Brand Authority get introduced at the firm’s MozCon that was held recently and that’s where the analytical tool really came into the spotlight.

Experts feel that such products can better gauge today’s growing landscape of competition by aligning brands side by side and comparing them.

This was a chance to quantify the salience of a company where the firm’s researchers worked hard to try and come up with a tool that was based solely on stats taken from firms in the US.

When the term Brand Authority and Moz comes into play, we’re talking about a metric that would make the most of the search data gathered by Moz and its proprietary algorithm. This offers marketers more insight into a firm’s performance and paves the way for more avenues of success.

The company added how it can be found on Moz Pro and can serve as a reliable index that gauges the brand’s performance. As far as who can benefit the most from this tool, it’s for marketers and those hailing in the PR sector.

This may assist marketers find more avenues for strategy optimization that has greater ROI. Similarly, it would highlight the influence of the brand while appreciating its sales worth too.

To put it simply, it’s a comprehensive image that gives rise to more strategies and outcomes with massive potential.

Alongside the launch of this particular tool called Brand Authority, Moz also rolled out a list that featured the country’s leading American brands depending on the scores attained with this analytical tool.

This would help so many experts better their competitive analysis of the market as it’s a visual comparison of the country’s leading businesses.

The frontrunners on the list include Google and Meta, with Amazon following closely behind. After that, some top consumer brands made it as did various news outlets.

This year’s annual MozCon was designed to display the future related to search technology and gain more insights while enabling the connectivity of so many marketing professionals.

Moz hopes to expand further on this front and reach more countries by next year. And if you happen to be a business that wishes to establish your mark on the world map, this might be a great place to start.

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