More Than 50% Of SEOs Are Not Happy With Google Analytics 4, New Poll Reveals

A new poll is shedding light on Google Analytics 4 and contrary to many people’s expectations, most SEOs are not happy with the performance.

The poll was posted on Twitter to see what thoughts SEOs had about GA4 and it wouldn’t be wrong to add how 50% of the SEOs used the word hate while 26% had a slight negative thought about it. So as you can tell, that’s close to saying that 75% of SEOs are skeptical, which is major news.

Meanwhile, just 5.7% of the 1700 responses in the poll that were received claimed they adored GA4 or were happy with its performance while just 18% found it to be a somewhat positive rollout.

Before we go any further, we need to talk a little about what exactly is Google Analytics 4 and why are people disregarding it so much, despite the company generating plenty of anticipation at its release.

Well, a lot of the issues that people are debating over have to do with its bizarre and perplexing user interface. Marketing experts claim the useability is very poor and a lot of that has to do with the fact that it’s all so new.
Remember, it’s a replacement for Universal Analytics and people thought their lives would be made easier. Turns out that this is far from the case as people aren’t open to complex design interfaces.

Those in search of more sentiments of the masses regarding Google Analytics 4 can feel free to resort to Twitter as there’s a long in-app discussion taking place over there right now. But as a whole, you can see how these results are very close to how the entire SEO industry feels, and that’s just a sheer form of disappointment with the program.

H/T: Barry Schwartz

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