Microsoft Fears Outages Due To Shortage Of Graphics Processing Units For Its Cloud Business

Computational giant Microsoft is outlining a new danger that it might have to face due to an extreme shortage of graphics processing units.

The company shed light on how GPUs were a core part of the firm’s cloud business. And that was highlighted as the most crucial raw material whose deficiency may now lead to the chance of major outages.

The organization's head outlined in the new annual report some key statistics including predictions for global revenue related to AI semiconductors to rise and hit the $53 billion figure and by next year, that should reach $67 billion.

These key data points were published by a top research firm called Gartner which says around 64% of individuals in today’s fast-paced have resorted to AI apps or those programs that are based on machine learning.

For this reason, leading marketers say generative AI would be the standard protocol for marketing, and by the next four years, it would certainly reach a new high. And yes, that means major issues because AI systems require the chips to conduct effective workarounds and nail computing operations.

GPUs that are utilized for AI are mostly produced by Nvidia. However, we’re now hearing about other competitor firms like IBM and Alphabet designed their tool alongside Intel.

Other predictions being made are related to a fall in the components due to the current economic downturn where fewer consumers are purchasing tech products including cell phones and beyond.

Less chips of this kind mean a small quantity for training of AI models and that’s not a great consideration when you look at how fast-paced today’s industry has become.

The boom in the world of AI is what has resulted in this extreme shortage that people hope to alter with time but right now, it’s a concern for companies like Microsoft because, with time, the demand would outgrow production greatly.

The main risk has to do with Microsoft because so many of its offerings are related to computing power, be it cloud or be it AI. Moreover, the firm’s many data centers are solely based on a few essential requirements where GPUs are certainly a part of the top list.

The price and availability of this may be impacted by a series of factors such as a shift to a more sustainable economy where there are plenty of environmental rules in place, not to mention issues that arise thanks to political tensions in countries.

The software leader argued how demands keep on rising and reach an extreme when new goods and services are rolled out, as well as when the current existing lineup of goods must be maintained like Microsoft 365, Bing, Xbox, Onedrive, and so much more that use hardcore AI features.

Experts claim that today’s marketers are putting great reliance on modern technology and it’s going to be even more crucial for the tech industry to try and figure out the matter as chips continue to rule the lineup.

Read next: Tech Giants Like Microsoft, Google, Anthropic, and OpenAI Form a Coalition Body for Safer AI Development
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