Instagram Experiments With New Feature That Allows Users To Include Their Own Pictures And Videos To Existing Posts

Meta has devised an innovative option for its Instagram app which is currently under testing.

Instagram may soon offer users an interesting feature that enables them to include their own pictures and videos in posts that already exist. This would facilitate a direct form of collaboration across the app, the company adds.

As may be seen through examples that were recently published by an app researcher that goes by the name Alessandro Paluzzi, the feature would give viewers of the specific post the chance to submit an addition that would be seen as a consideration.

Any such additions wouldn’t be seen until they received approval from the creators, ensuring a chance is given to the possibility of making a uniquely crafted group picture album. Did we mention a little memoir that entails shared experiences across the app?

This has been a feature that the app has been trying to lean toward for quite some time now as they feel it really does end up driving engagement lately. We also saw in the year 2021 when the app included a feature called Add Yours which was a sticker for the platform’s Stories. This allows users to excite others and send out responses to Stories.

It would similarly expand remixes to different kinds of video content which gets posted to the platform and hence provides more options for building further on updates of creators of the app.

This trend is one that has arisen in popularity thanks to arch-rival platform TikTok. The latter is where you’ll find all sorts of collaborations, remixes, and more that have turned into a new way to engage and for more users to participate.

Almost all TikTok trends from all over the world are giving rise to all kinds of replications and this ends up creating a unique avenue where more and more people participate. It’s also a great means through which more and more people shift from being passive to active, and that can provide an upgrade to their fame too.

It similarly also signals that you’ll probably be annoyed by hearing the same song trending all over again while scrolling feeds. And while the latter does not sound too appealing, it’s going to be super interesting to witness what versions others have in mind and how they bring that to life.

Did we mention how this new option may also have some implications for businesses, once they’re enabled for Instagram’s business accounts?

Instead of adding prompts in the form of hashtags, you’ll now see brands requesting users to put forward their own versions of a post. And that content would only start to appear as a part of the update of the creator, and not on a user’s profile.

This just might be required to motivate more users to share versions, memories, and more related to a brand. And can you imagine how so many firms might adopt this into their business models?

It’s only in testing mode right now but we’ll keep you updated on the release when it happens.

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