Huge Array Of ChatGPT Updates Are Launching Next Week And Here’s What You Can Expect

ChatGPT seems to be on everyone’s mind, no matter how much time has evolved since its initial launch.

At first, it was described as one of the most useful and innovative tools out there. Today, it’s being called out as a venture whose performance may not be up to the mark, not to mention how the many flaws are misguiding users.

While the debate continues, we’re hearing some major announcements made by the parent firm OpenAI which is asking users to be a little more patient for something super exciting.

By next week, we’re going to be seeing some major updates get launched, the company adds and it’s going to be super interesting to see which features make their way to the signature chatbot that some love while others hate.

The news was released through a post on the X platform by the company's developer expert who adds that the changes are not minor but major in scale.

Among those include example prompts, replies as suggestions, and queries that serve as a follow-up that are super useful and end up getting rid of fatigue.

Other than that, we will see GPT-4 settings where paying subscribers won’t be required to switch on the latest OpenAI language model each time you begin new chats. Similarly, there will be more support for uploading several files in the OpenAI’s plugin called Code Interpreter and others.

The reaction at the start was quite mixed and people didn’t quite know how to react. And while a few did applaud the efforts of ChatGPT’s makers, others were wary of how exactly they would function.

The ones getting the most appreciation include leaving the GPT-4 on by default while the other has to do with ensuring users are logged in for long, going above and beyond the 14-day period.

But the news had communities on the Reddit platform get more active and start asking questions such as when will the chatbot going to stop saying sorry and if that was on the cards to arrive soon too. Others laughed and added how they hoped so and there were a few that did criticize the new offerings and said they were a major alarm for those suffering from ADHD. After all, it can’t get any more distracting than this.

But it’s just too soon to speak on the matter right now. The incorporation of such features is in its early phase and we need to see which users will end up adopting and using these additions in their daily work routines. Also, it’s interesting to see which would fail at getting the desired response from the masses and which features undergo rejection before others.

These new additions come at a time when new reports spoke of OpenAI filing a trademark application with the USPTO regarding GPT-5 technology. This is the latest addition that is yet to be released in the LLM series. This app would entail the possibility of new features including human text and speech being produced artificially and having getting text translated from a certain language to that of another kind.

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