Google Play Store Becomes Infiltrated By Popular Android Apps Who Drain Users’ Battery By Loading Ads When Screens Are Off

One of the most annoying things related to smartphone usage is being bombarded with apps that are designed to drain your device’s battery.

Recently, the Google Play Store was bombarded by a whopping 43 different Android apps that had nearly 2.5 million downloads. They were the ones who allowed ad downloading while the user’s screen was turned off and that ultimately led to their device’s battery falling to a new low.

The research team at McAfee was the first to report the alarming behavior and how the malware-filled apps on Android were wreaking havoc as more and more users complained to Google about the behavior.

This was a clear violation of the policies on the Play Store, they added and thankfully, the Android maker was quick to act and get rid of the platforms through the official store that belongs to Android.

These apps were mostly used for media streams and for news purposes. And the respective target audience was outlined as being Korean. But that does not mean such kinds of deceptive behavior couldn’t be applicable to a range of other top domains and reach out to demographics that were more diverse in nature.

While such apps are deemed to be a source of adware, they’re continuing to be a major risk to all kinds of users as they pave the way to a number of profiling risks. Similarly, they drain batteries and make the most of a huge chunk of internet data as well while giving rise to more fraud cases that may be filed against the respective advertisers.

The report by the top security firm claims that adware of this kind was disguised throughout Google Play platforms which ended up impersonating a long list of apps such as Music Downloader, Calendar, TV Player, News, and so many more similar categories.

After it gets downloaded, the adware applications would allow for a delay of a few weeks, right before it further went on to activate more advertising-fraudulent endeavors which are designed to deceive so many users and prevent detection through reviewers on the platform.

McAfee added how the configuration can actually end up getting changed further and updated by Messaging or other means so that operators may adjust the exact time taken for dormancy to occur, alongside the other factors.

The Android software makes use of another feature that helps to prevent the battery from draining and puts apps in sleep or standby mode, whenever you’re not using the device. Hence, no programs run in the background and it won’t be making use of any memory, CPU, and other network features.

When the adware apps get downloaded, you’ll see more users include them as a part of Android’s system for power saving. This would ensure the malicious platforms continue to run well in backgrounds.

With such an exclusion, the platforms would be allowed to get and load ads, even if the screen for a smartphone is switched off. As a result, it produces more revenue and gives users no way to comprehend what’s taking place.

The security firm added how it could be enabled in a manner that gives the phone’s user the chance to look over any loaded ads, whenever the screen’s device switches on, right before it gets shut automatically.

One of the biggest indicators linked to compromise has to do with letting go of your battery as it really does drain it to a severe extent, even when the device isn’t being used.

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