Google Is Adding New Security Layer To Personal Gmail Accounts To Prevent Hacking Attempts

In the world of rapidly advancing technology, you can never have too much security. And with hacking attempts on the rise, it makes sense why search engine giant Google is going the extra mile to protect users’ personal Gmail accounts.

The company is reportedly working on incorporating a new added layer of security for Gmail that would ensure hackers cannot interfere with security settings on the platform.

We’ve already seen Google launching its MFA feature automatically for Gmail accounts which means users would now be required to add passwords alongside another step taken for better protection. This includes plugging in codes attained through another authenticator application. The latter would serve as the right prompt from the company. Other reports speak of a security key too.

The organization is busy working toward the launch of MFA prompts whenever a person tries to make changes to settings in Gmail that would not only filter mail but also assist with forwarding content and getting IMAP access. The latter could ensure third parties get the right mail directly through inbox.

But as one can imagine, all this data entering the wrong hands may end up getting exploited and you reconfigure Gmail accounts so that you send emails to others. Therefore, in the future, whenever such steps are taken, the company will go the extra mile to gauge over sessions conducting these actions and when they smell a threat, they will pull out the Verify Its You feature for added protection.

The news was made public through a blog post by Google this week.

Such prompts request users to make the right change so that sign-ins are more secure through another second step that’s designed for user authentication. It’s like an alert from Google on the user’s device. In cases when the challenge cannot be completed, users receive Critical Security Alerts on devices they’ve demarcated as being trustworthy.

This new safety feature would prevent hackers from getting into users’ personal Gmail accounts, in case someone has hacked into it before. Similarly, experts believe such a feature is designed to stop others from taking advantage of your email if you’re not in close proximity to your PC that’s unlocked.

On the other hand, the raised security may serve as an added source of annoyance to some people. After all, more security means more steps that might turn into a hassle when accessing your mail in a rush.

As the old saying goes, no pain means no gain. We’re seeing the leading Android maker roll out the change just one year after it started to enforce safeguards for all having separate Google accounts for their own personal use.

It’s actually not too clear right now how this new measure would work for those who have no connections to smartphones. But many media outlets are requesting tech giant Google for more data on this front and in case we see any more updates, we’ll surely let you know when that happens.

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