Google In The Works Of Creating A Feature Similar To Apple’s Continuity Service

Android maker Google is reportedly working on the creation of a feature that’s awfully similar in design and function to Apple’s Continuity Service.

The feature has been a useful one for Apple’s ecosystem where several devices may be linked via one Apple ID. Hence, that means providing several features such as Handoff, Universal Clipboard, and Sidecar so users can benefit. Moreover, all of these get powered through Continuity service so there’s no reason to break a sweat.

As a whole, such features were designed to help Apple users in conducting foolproof communication via devices so they could share content and go beyond. Now, however, it seems like search engine giant Google wants to follow in the firm’s footsteps and take a similar approach.

Google is said to be working on incorporating a feature that’s awfully similar to this for its Android devices.

It was first announced by two app researchers who claim the company appears to be busy creating the capabilities that are inspired by Apple. This has enabled the Android maker to bring its vision of allowing Android devices to interface with one another in a seamless manner. The only catch is that they need to get signed in through a similar account on Google. And that’s it!

It’s going to be very useful for all of those that have several handsets in their ownership to make use of for various cases.

So far, we’re seeing two capabilities get spotted out there like call switching and the sharing of the internet. You can take the former to be quite similar in approach to the Mobile Calls offered by Apple’s iPhone. This enables call sharing between several different Apple devices including iPads and Macs too.

Meanwhile, Google’s implementation appears to be a little out of the ordinary. The latter is linked to enabling call switching from Android phones and not devices like Chromebooks. But who knows, this might be a feature for the future, if not now.

This feature is also rumored to receive backing from Telecom’s Jetpack Library. Meanwhile, in terms of the sharing of the internet, tech media outlet Android Police feels it might turn into a means to configure individual hotspot services that are shared with ease across Android phones.

If and when available, we can see these offerings be presented through a feature called Link Your Devices where the menu is found in your Settings Tab, followed by Google and Device Sharing buttons.

For now, that’s all the details we have with no release date in sight. But if things do go as planned, the launch would be through Google Play and each addition would be revamped as necessary with time, bringing plenty of improvements along the way.

Certainly, we’ll keep you updated as that happens but kudos to Google for thinking along the lines of making communication between various phones and other devices easier for users. What do you think?

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