Google Experiments With New QR Codes Ads Extensions

Search engine giant Google is currently taking part in a testing phase for a new rollout that might be coming soon.

Sponsored advertisements would pop up alongside some new expendables and call boxes that entail a business’s contact details and QR code too. Hence, scanning such codes would enable customers to dial numbers that are given out via a certain brand or business.

The news was first unveiled by an SEO Khushal Bherwani who says the call boxes could be seen toward the bottom part of advertisements.

In such boxes, you’d also have the telephone numbers for a brand that gets displayed and makes access so much simpler when it comes to contacting the business in question.

Tech giant Google says it’s also busy experimenting with the idea of putting out three pictures through ads now as compared to the usual one.

However, Google is yet to clarify any more details regarding the matter as it’s just in its experimental phase right now. But thanks to the screenshots provided by the CEO, the entire layout is revealed for the innovative Sponsored Ads initiative.

The news is very interesting because phone calls are usually integral for a brand that’s upcoming and even those that are established. After all, you do want clients to contact you for more details as it just shows how keenly interested they are.

And in case you did not know, QR codes are making a comeback in the industry. It’s a great way for contacting and that means more chances of business, sales, and even client satisfaction with fruitful outcomes.

We can see this being appreciated by many upcoming brands that are in search of trying to make it big in the industry. What do you think?

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