Generative AI Won’t Take Over Most People’s Jobs Completely But Will Automate Some Of Their Roles, New Study Confirms

The world of Generative AI overtaking people’s jobs has been a concern from day one but a new study by the UN is shedding light on how we shouldn’t be too worried about that.

The research revealed recently how Generative AI won’t completely replace humans but instead, it’s predicted to automate a chunk of their roles and that could benefit them. After all, what’s better than freeing up your time thanks to technology so you can carry on with your other respective tasks?

But the UN’s latest research also sent out warnings related to which industry it feels would be the most affected by this ordeal. And according to them, it’s clerical work. More specifically, the female working population was outlined as getting affected greatly more than all others, with special emphasis on nations with better GDPs as that’s where their prevalence is greater than others.

There has been a very large spike in people’s curiosity regarding generative AI and the apps it comes with. People fear more about job destruction which is like that we witnessed when moving assemblies were introduced back in the 1900s.

It’s all very interesting because another study by the ILO adds how a lot of industries of today are only somewhat exposed to the likes of automation and end up getting complimented by AI instead of actual replacements taking place.

Hence, this could mean that the most significant effect of such technology is assisting others with their work, more than anything else.

Sectors likely to be impacted the greatest include those linked to image production, text generation, sound and animation, 3D creations, and more detailed clerical work. Here is where close to a quarter of the jobs are being exposed to partial automation.

The study went on to delineate how more professions including those linked to sales and manager positions would be slightly exposed. Still, the research feels that the effects of generative AI can’t be ignored on some employees and it may still stand as being brutal, more than anything else.

The authors went on to conclude that policymakers of today’s industry should not serve as calming tones as the risks are still great. Instead, they should be a constant reminder that policies must be created that address the impacts of this technology on the human race.

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