YouTube's Copyright Rollercoaster: Claims, Revenue, and Scammers

YouTube is undoubtedly the best and the most beloved platform for videos of funny fails, cats, and talented creators. What could be wrong with such a fantastic platform? But wait, it has recently released its transparency report, and it's making waves all around. So, are you ready for some mind-boggling numbers and exciting insights into the world of copyrights? Brace yourself, relax, sit back, and let's dive into the world of YouTube's copyright rollercoaster!

The Content ID system, also knowns as YouTube's advanced copyright tool, raised its virtual hand and flagged a staggering 826 million copyright issues in the second half of last year. Yep, read it twice, 826 million! And guess what's saucier? The majority of these claims were generated automatically. The Content ID system has been working overtime to defend the interests of copyright holders.

In exact calculation, it's like that every citizen of the U.S. has filed a copyright claim against YouTube thrice. Talk about an army of plaintiffs. But fear not because YouTube has measures in place to protect copyright holders. YouTube regularly demonetizes, takes down or turns off videos with copyright claims, so you better avoid copyright issues.

Interestingly, of all the YouTubers, most of the actions come from the exclusive Content ID system, which is like the VIP club for copyright holders. It's like being on the guest list of a high-profile party. Not all can get an invite! Only the special ones get the chance.

Now, let's dig deeper into the numbers. 2022 saw a whopping 826 million claims, a 9% increase from the previous period. The claims keep growing faster than a beanstalk. What's more funny is although fewer copyright holders actively used the Content ID system, the number of claims still shot up. It's like the laundry is larger than the people living in the house.

But YouTube always turns a problem into an opportunity. Instead of solely taking videos down, they offer copyright holders the option to monetize the trespassing content. Yes, you heard that right, "monetize piracy"! It sounds like a paradox, but it's become a revenue stream worth embracing. In fact, during the last reporting period, copyright holders chose to monetize over 90% of the Content ID claims. Talk about turning lemons into lemonade!

What was the revenue? Sit tight-copyright holders received $1.5 billion due to these Content ID claims. Indeed they hit the copyright jackpot! Since the launch of the Content ID system, YouTube has paid out an eye-popping $9 billion to these lucky rightsholders. It's raining money in the world of copyright!

Hold on, what's the role of success without scammers? In a recent case, two cunning men set up a company to falsely claim monetized music.

Through their shifty scheme, they coped with making a jaw-dropping $24 million from YouTube. But they got trapped! The long arm of the law caught up with them, and one of the scammers is now serving more than five years in prison. Crime doesn't pay, folks!

Now, let's be technical. Did you know that 99.5% of Content ID claims are computerized? It's like having a super-smart robot sniffing out potential copyright violations. Hence proving that robots make mistakes. Sometimes, the Content ID database deletes perfect videos due to lousy reference files. Imagine a video of NASA's Curiosity landing on Mars getting flagged as copyright infringement. Talk about a Mars-sized mistake!

Excitingly, YouTube is aware that manual copyright claims are more important than automated ones. It's like the human touch adds an extra layer of subjectivity. But the fact of 200 times more automated claims has disturbed the balance.

It's better to play by the rules next time you upload a video on YouTube; otherwise, it will take down like a pro.

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