Twitter Raises Eyebrows After Claiming More Than 99% Of Its Tweet Impressions Arise From Healthy Content

Twitter is turning heads after releasing some shocking stats linked to its Tweet Impressions.

The popular microblogging website was quick to mention how the majority of such endeavors arise from healthy content or data that does not seem to be violating the app’s rules.

The figure outlined by the firm was 99.99% and as you can imagine, some people were shaken at whether or not that was actually true.

The shocking news came in the form of a tweet that features how people had the liberty to portray the best version of themselves. Each day, the company says it’s getting closer and closer to its goals of maintaining free speech on its app but at the same time, it’s making sure that the app’s overall health isn’t compromised along the way.

In the same way, Elon Musk’s firm added how their rollout of a program called Freedom of Speech Not Reach was also getting some exciting results worth a mention. This might be why in the next few weeks, they hope to expand further on the app through another policy that’s linked to combating hateful speech.

It would now be including a list of policies related to abusive behavior and any form of speech that’s not peaceful as per its policy.

The new program related to speech freedom was first rolled out in April and that really described how the app was working hard to limit people’s reach toward content that they felt was non-violative. And that’s despite the fact that it was going against its regulations.

In the same way, the app has included labels that distinguish such tweets as it clarifies when actions begin. As noted by the platform, the approach was put out on tweets that would be demarcating as breaking the rules of the company. Hence, the company is working hard to expand on this approach.

Remember, no rules have altered surrounding this topic. But one thing we’ve seen is how there’s a new approach linked to the enforcement of the rules that have altered. Previously, the app’s management teams would get rid of comments directly but it’s now very differently tackled. There is a very lenient approach and it limits the reach.

So far, the app is happy with the way things are going. They are happy with the results that display very few tweets that break the app’s own rules. But a lot of industry experts are having a tough time believing it all.

They feel the prevalence rate of such violations taking place on Facebook or even its Instagram app was 0.05%. And remember, Facebook’s parent firm Meta has way more staff allocated for this purpose and many more systems functioning to take care of these matters diligently.

So to imagine that an app like Twitter was beating Meta out with remarkable results is just a little too hard to accept for obvious reasons and that’s why the behavior is being questioned across the board. Did we mention how the company has fired 80% of its staff along the way too?

Read next: Advertisers Who Left Twitter Are Now Eagerly Waiting To Launch Ads On Meta’s Threads App
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