The Head of Instagram Claimed an Evident Preference for Android over iOS

Tech YouTuber Marques Brownlee (AKA MKBHD) posted a question on Threads asking people about their tech hot takes. The head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, hopped in on the question, and his comment intrigued many users.

He made a clear preference for Android. He stated that Android has gotten better than its leading competitor, iOS. Mosseri’s Threads commented during the ongoing promotion by Meta to drive more users to use Instagram’s new app, Threads, which is now Twitter’s new short-form blogging rival. The new application is only available on the iPhone right now, offering a simple UI in the form of their web app.

As a consequence of that simple Threads comment made by Mosseri, a question sparks regarding Instagram being accessible to iPad users, if the Instagram head himself favored iOS over Android. However, there is a possibility that Mosseri, in all likelihood, must regularly utilize both Android and iPhone devices, and his individual preferences do not influence Threads’ and Instagram’s development. But considering everything, if Mosseri likened iPhones to Androids and actively supported the tech, he would have pushed for the development of an Instagram app specifically for iPad users, and this idea would have held more prominent importance in the development plan.

Mosseri acknowledged the unavailability of the Instagram app for iPad in late 2021 and recognized that it would be desirable to develop a dedicated app. However, it was not an immediate priority as Instagram had a lot on its plate in terms of further development and adding more features, alongside having a low staff to do the work. As a result, they pushed back the idea of its development. A few months later, he again responded to the need for an iPad version of the Instagram app, stating that the number of individuals interested was relatively small, resulting in the low priority of its development. He further went on to express that they might consider it eventually, but they directed their focus on other essential features.

The features in question were the option of dark mode, deleting a photo from a carousel, scheduled posts, etc. People have expressed their concern over how much of a hassle it is not to be able to use Meta apps like Instagram and Threads on other iOS devices, excluding the iPhone if they were to switch over to Threads from Twitter completely. But to everyone’s dismay, Mosseri has yet to address future announcements regarding the introduction of Threads and Instagram to iPad and Mac platforms.

What is more bothersome out of all issues is that due to Instagram’s rigidness of its policies and availability, Mac users cannot use the iPhone application version of the app and Threads. Apple Silicon computers are known for this feature of theirs as it is by default embedded into their systems. However, because Instagram specifically targeted this feature of Apple Silicon, rendering the practical feature useless, Mac users feel categorically excluded.

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